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Solutions we Provide

Vigeo provides solutions tailored for your needs and aimed at helping you to recover (and maintain) a well-functioning body. Depending on your situation, this may include overcoming dysfunction (and chronic pain), improving posture, spine solutions, injury/problem care and/or pre-post surgery rehabilitation.

In order to provide you with the best solution, you start with a long initial consultation. Some situations require further long consultations later also. We will then advise how short/long to further develop your solution from there.

Overcome Dysfunction (and Chronic Pain)

Recover a well-functioning body with holistic, whole body care. This involves assessing your whole body and providing exercise-based solutions (and education) that help you by dealing with the dysfunctions (and compensations).

Improve Posture

When you notice postural changes and would like to deal with these

This involves postural assessment and education/collaboration to help you understand what is happening in your situation. We will provide solutions to help address the root cause and help you to instill appropriate habits and exercises for your postural betterment.

Spine Solutions

A well body requires a well-functioning spine. Like a Swiss Army knife has various tools for various situations, so do we. There are a multitude of different theories, systems and approaches to help you back to a well-functioning spine. We  will tailor your solution based on your individual needs.

Injury / Problem Care

Doing the simple things right ensures you recover well and don’t have future problems. This involves assessing the local injury and dealing with the situation. Some injuries/problems require a small intervention where others require scans and investigations and other health practitioners. We have access to bracing, supports, crutches and tape for whatever situation arises. You’re in great care at Vigeo.

Pre-Post Surgery Rehabilitation

If surgery is necessary, this can have a significant effect on your body. Preparation and recovery take appropriate care for your best outcome. We will be with you every step along the way

If you are unsure what we can do for you we will assess your situation and help you to head in the right direction. We only provide solutions that are necessary for your betterment. No-one knows physical recovery like Vigeo.

Solutions to get you Back on top of your world. Book now to get underway.

Rehab Principles we employ